Tipera 4: The covert right behind every wrong

Gayathri Unnikrishnan
2 min readMar 19, 2020

Waking up to a painful nightmare, Mary struggled to separate real from the meta-real. It was as she had been getting over it, that a disturbing phone-call ruined the fraction of normalcy she had regained. As her mind kept stuffing her with thoughts of the implicit distractions that had come by, another mishap would have seen her explode into the twenty nine pieces she had already been staged into.

Entering the frame was the ever so annoying yet personal neighbour. A chit-chat with this lady seemed to be the most discomforting pop-up she’s had to deal with, in quite a long while. Reaching her safezone, she let loose the headload over any comfortable irritant who came by. Hormones and limping situations I tell you, can take your mind to different levels of strange thinking and irritation. You can never really know what a person is dealing with or is having to resort to, to find relief to the immediate anxiety built up. Each one of us has a perspective and situational right to confont, and at times, both of these may contradict. Not that the person has forgotten his morals or has been hypocritic throughout the period of his life till then, but because situations create humans out of humans. Some get to deal with more of the hard days than some of our others would have to, creating internal discord.

We must’ve all had to deal with such cacophony at different times of our daily lives. It is just that some of us are more shielded with counterfeit mind settling than some others are. Let’s all not judge, but rather understand people and situations. Blame the situation and the immediate handling by people, and not another individual’s values.

Mary has started to understand that some of those situations are trifling and unimportant in the long run and can be immediately thrown out of her precious time and space. To crowd her mind with incessant voices and thinking can only create more tensions.

I’m very clear a lot of us are trying to correct our wrongs. Yet, some number of us still hover over the situational wrong others do to us at times, and build mountains of inexistent trouble. An even smaller number doesn’t realise the build-up of trivial problems and are seen stilling to the mental furore going on. Another Mary can understand, if you reach out to her and make her feel understood. Another gossiping neighbour can perhaps turn interesting with regular chit-chats (pun intended) or you may tighten your guard to external pests.

We are all flawed humans circumventing or correcting flaws as we age.

